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Genercode is the next step in NoCode. We call this NoCode+

It is not a coding assistant

Genercode builds original code based on your business logic

With zero dependency on pre built modules




Genercode builds code on the Laravel Framework. It differs from other NoCode Platforms by automatically generating highly customisable code based on user logic. We licence this code to our clients who determine where to host.


Our interface is intuitive to use and is aimed at technical business and experienced developers


Customisation and flexibility

Users input Data Points and Component Data Points to define their business logic. We automatically generate code based on this logic. Users can modify the code in our interface after downloading it or outside our interface if thats the preference.


Scalable & Automated

Project size is not an issue for our platform. The larger the project the more savings in terms of time and cost. We automate database setup, database migrations, logic flow, data connections and most other things in the background.


We create Tailwind configuration files to enable highly customised styling by you.  



Unlimited Integrations

As we inherently deliver APIs integration is not an issue. We will be providing integration functionality Q1 2025 to simplify two way integration with third party applications. 


Quality, Resilient Code

We provide well formatted, spaghetti free code as you  would expect from the next generation of automated code generation.


The code size is minimised and optimised to make it easy to interrogate. This also minimises the attack surfaces.


Security and Compliance

We align with Owasp. We run unit tests and third party security checks on the code that we generate. Our reports provide full visibility of how data flows in your built application. We highlight what data access users have in the application.  Our reports ensure that your data flows as you designed it and is accessed as you intended. We automate unit testing.


Development and Debugging

Users have direct access to the code to modify/ test as needs be.


Modifications can be made at any stage (even after download) in our platform at no extra cost if the number of Data Points and Component Data Points do not increase


No legacy code

Code generated by us is automatically upated to latest revisions or as required


Cost considerations

1. Transparent pricing model.

2. Costs based on # Data Points and Component Fields

3. If this changes users provided with running cost total as the project develops

4. No subscription

5. No hidden fees


Safeguarding availability of service

Users have full access to the code and choice of hosting, safeguarding code base


Cultural and Skill Fit

1. The platform user interface is highly intuitive for developers with support

2. Developers will be creating high quality code in days

3. We aligns coders skills with advanced NoCode capacity to rapidly deliver highly customised code to the market.

comparison nocode+ and nocode

A comparison between Genercode (NoCode+) and NoCode

Genercode (Nocode+)
Customization and Flexibility
Complete flexibility at all stages ensuring a high level of client satisfaction
Rigid templates limit customization
Complex workflows are easily dealt with
Inflexible logic for complex workflows limit their ability to deliver required functionality
Time to code
2-3 days for a developer to master
Depending on system can take up to 6 months to master
Visibility of code quality
Fully visible with automated reports and documentation
None/ limited
Code structure
Highly structured spaghetti free code
Zero/ limited visibility
Scalability and Performance
Fully scalable and efficient code ensuring operational speed.
Performance bottlenecks under high loads
User determines hosting requirements which impacts speed
Hosting is with platform provider which client has no control over
Integration Limitations
Fully customised integrations are easily created
Limited integration options with other systems
Control and Ownership
Code delivered to client No vendor lock-in. We we to go out of business our clients have the code.
Vendor lock-in with a high reliance on vendor survival.
Security and Compliance
On top of our testing and reports, users can run any security tests on the code once they pay for it.
Limited security checks available
Users determine location of data to support GDPR obligations.
GDPR - potential lack of control of data storage location
Hosted on client defined network
Data privacy risks on third-party platforms
Development and Debugging
We debug automatically following users business logic
Difficulty in debugging due to abstraction layer
All code available for users standard code testing protocols
Limited testing capabilities compared to traditional environments
Advanced Features and Functionality
Create own custom functions that fit in with overall structure
Lack of support for advanced features (real-time processing, complex analytics, AI integrations)
Feature flexibility is built in
Feature updates often lag behind business needs
Cost Considerations
No subscription fees
Ongoing subscription fees can add up
Visible pay as you code costing
Hidden costs related to scaling, premium features, and integrations
User Experience and Design Limitations
Configured for Tailwind, allowing high level of customisation
Constraints on achieving unique and highly customized user experiences
Cultural and Skill Fit
The interface is second nature to developers with highly familiar language.
Resistance from developers who want to use their knowledge to deliver great products.
2-3 day learning curve.
Learning curve for mastering NoCode platforms can be as high as 6 months
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